I am a wife of a wonderful husband, a mother of 3 beautiful daughters, a kindergarten teacher, and a daughter of the Lord!
I love my God and rely on Him for strength, wisdom, and to find peace in this world! He led us to Texas we love it here!!!
There is no other way to say it... our family loves food and they love mom's cooking! The cheesier, the fattier, the meatier, the yummier, the better! My husband's favorite saying became... "I'm in shape! Round is a shape!"... gotta love his sense of humor!
I grew up in a healthy household. I lovingly called my mom the "health nut"! (love you mom) She taught her daughter's well.... but we didn't always listen to her! Especially when we'd get to go out with or stay with Grandpa! (miss you Grandpa!). Grandpa loved to treat us to homemade pot-roast and spetzels, crepes and cream spinach, lunch out at Ben's Deli, and of course Friendly's ice cream! (The bigger the better right, Vanessa!) When I got out on my own, I ate healthy at times, and not so healthy at others... and plain ate too much!
But even in my mother's healthy eating, we ate lots of animal proteins... yogurt, cheese, fish, chicken, lamb, red meat, butter, etc. Who would have thought that it would be healthier to get your protein from vegetables and whole grains!?
Then we moved to Texas and Paul met Dr. Linda Carney. Dr. Carney basically said your blood work is a mess, high cholesteral, triglicerides, etc... you are 3 years from a stroke and on your way to cancer (animal protien causes an acidic body which is prime for cancer growth). You need to go Vegan. "What... Vegan... are you crazy" was what Paul was thinking! He was a meat eater and he wasn't going to change that... so he thought before Dr. Carney. She took the time to share the science behind it, and why he should cut out animal protien and oils (yes, even olive oil) out of his diet. And he did! He listened to Dr. Carney... and 6 months later he is almost 50lbs lighter, not on any medications for high cholesterol etc. anymore, and is a whole lot less achy... (did you think that animal protein causes aches in your body... well it does!)
Now I tried to be supportive of my husband... making and eating plant based meals... but in the hectic pace of life I was still grabbing those fast food burgers and other bad foods when out of the house. So while I lost a little weight, it didn't last. When I saw Dr. Carney, my bloodwork was fine... why should I follow the diet so closely right?
Then I saw her again. Low in vitamin D.. okay no big deal right? Take some pills and get some more sun. Not wanting get into to much detail, I was having other issues, which were caused by fibroids and polyps in/on my uterus and the lining was double as thick as it should be, and my progesterine levels are low when compared to my higher estrogen. So what does that have to do with eating animal proteins? Everything!
One way to be able to stick with it is to find recipes that will keep us satisfied!
I have been talking with lots of friends and family that whether for health or for spiritual reasons are eating Vegan part or full-time.So on this blog I'd like to share our stories, and more importantly, our recipes!!!
If you have a recipe or story that you want to share... email it to me at heathertrupiajewelry@gmail.com so we can try the recipe.
I will post health tips, substitution tips, etc. as I learn more.
I will share my weight loss and health gain journey with you!
*Update, I am now down 70 lbs and feeling great! More active than ever!
At the bottom of the page or attached to some blogs you will see some products through amazon. These are my favorite, the ones I use or have read and think you might find interesting or helpful. While I do make a small profit if you choose to buy through that link to amazon, I only post items that I or my husband recommend and have proven useful.
You will also see Google advertising ads at the bottom, these are not necessarily products or services that I use.. Google chooses the ads they think fit my site.... again I do make a small profit if you click on them... but remember these are not my recommendations... only the amazon links are.
Love to all of my family and friends, my husband, my girls!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! (Phil 4:13)